Our Distributors

Flying-CHTech team all over the world to provide the best local service

Pursue service is everything

Book your free private bowling equipment and shooting range consultation today Flying’s all machine has local service and will give you the best fast response.

Our private bowling equipment and shooting range can be carried out in our operation outlets, or can be carried out virtually through online coaching offline, our expert team of design consultants can provide sound advice on the best choice for your project, Whether it’s bowling or a shooting range.

Service Area

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Online and offline services

Country / Region: China

Guangzhou Headquarters

Address: 507 Minjie Animation International Building, Donghuan Street, Panyu, Guangzhou, China 511450

Telephone: 86-19866082108 86-13580492108

E-mail: [email protected]

Country / Region: Australia Distributor

Zax Amusements

Phone:  03 9676 9190 | M 0412 587 157

Email: [email protected]

Country / Region: Saudi Arabia


Email: [email protected]

Phone:+966 50 143 6470

Country / Region: New Zeland

ACE Amusements Limited

Contact Person: Mr Jason

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +64 21 946 007

Country / Region: Italy


Contact: Mr Tiziano Tredese

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +39 348 266 3720

Country / Region: Indonesia

Funworld PT. Company

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +62 21 6570 0015 +62 21 2664 5386

Country / Region: UK Distributor


Contact person: Mr Bonel Chua

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 44 020 8965 7071

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